Tuesday, 25 February 2014

[ PROGRAM ] Majlis Penyerahan Kunci Rumah di Lahad Datu


Terima Kasih kepada Saudara Pengacara Majlis ;


Assalamulaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,

Salam Sejahtera dan Salam 1 Malaysia,

Yang Berbahagia Datuk Mohamed Thajudeen bin Abdul Wahab
Setiausaha, Majlis Keselamatan Negara

Yang Berhormat Datuk Haji Datu Nasrun Datu Mansur
Ahli Parlimen P.188 Silam

Yang Berhormat Datuk Mohd Suhaili Haji Said
Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri N.49 Tungku

Yang Berhormat Dato’ Mohammad Yusof Apdal
Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri N.50 Lahad Datu

Yang Berusaha Tuan Rodzi bin Md Saad
Setiausaha Keselamatan Negeri Sabah

Yang Berbahagia Datuk-Datuk,

Ketua-Ketua Jabatan Persekutuan;

Ketua-Ketua Jabatan Negeri

Tuan Pegawai Daerah Lahad Datu

Semua pegawai-pegawai Kanan Kerajaan ;

Tuan-tuan Ketua Kampung Tanjung Batu dan Tanjung Labian;

Semua penduduk Kampung Tanjung Batu dan Tanjung Labian,

Seterusnya Tuan-Tuan dan Puan–Puan sekalian yang hadir dan berada di majlis ini pada pagi ini.

1.           Alhamdulillah, pada pagi ini kita semua dapat berkumpul dan berada di majlis penyerahan kunci rumah-rumah baru kepada 45 ketua keluarga yang telah terjejas kehidupan ketika Operasi Daulat dilancarkan oleh pihak berkuasa keselamatan di sini hampir setahun yang lalu. Saya ingin menyampaikan ucapan jutaan terima kasih kepada Yang Berbahagia Datuk Mohamed Thajudeen bin Abdul Wahab, Setiausaha Majlis Keselamatan Negara kerana telah menjemput saya untuk hadir dan seterusnya menyempurnakan penyerahan kunci rumah-rumah baru yang telah siap dibina  kepada 45 Ketua Keluarga di kampung Tanjung Batu dan Tanjung Labian di sini pada pagi ini.

2.      Saya juga ingin menyampaikan ucapan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan terima kasih dari Kerajaan Persekutuan kepada Kerajaan Negeri Sabah, khususnya kepada Yang Berhormat Tan Sri Sukarti Wakiman kerana telah memberi kerjasama yang baik di dalam usaha membina dan menyiapkan projek ini di sini.

Y Bhg Tan Sri / Datuk –datuk /  Tuan-Tuan dan Puan-Puan sekelian

3.      Kejayaan menyiapkan 45 unit rumah yang akan diserahkan kepada 45 Ketua Keluarga di kampung Tanjung Batu dan Kampong Tanjung Labian ini  telah sekali lagi menjadi bukti akan keprihatinan serta keupayaan Kerajaan Persekutuan dalam menunaikan atau mengotakan segala janji yang telah dibuat. Sepertimana kita telah maklum, bahawa Yang Amat Berhormat Perdana Menteri dalam lawatannya ke Lahad Datu pada 6 April 2013 telah mengumumkan akan bantuan rumah baru kepada penduduk yang terjejas kesan dari pelaksanaan Operasi Daulat di kawasan ini dan  Majlis Keselamatan Negara, Jabatan Perdana Menteri telah dipertanggungjawab untuk melaksanakan pembinaan rumah-rumah ini. Pada hari ini, semua 45 unit rumah telahpun disiapkan dan sepertimana kita saksikan, rumah-rumah ini jauh lebih baik dan akan memberi keselesaan kehidupan yang lebih bermakna kepada keluarga yang mendiaminya. Pembinaan rumah-rumah ini adalah berlandaskan konsep Building Back Better iaitu kerajaan membina semula rumah yang jauh lebih baik serta lebih berkualiti kepada rakyat berbanding rumah yang didiami sebelum ini . Tenttulah suasana hidup yang lebih selesa akan dirasai dan dengan itu saya berharap semua penduduk di sini akan sentiasa bersyukur dan berterima kasih kepada kerajaan yang sentiasa berusaha untuk membawa kehidupan yang lebih baik untuk rakyatnya.

4.      Sebenarnya, kerajaan sentiasa berusaha dan melakukan apa sahaja kaedah atau cara untuk membangunkan kehidupan rakyat kearah yang lebih selesa. Kita telah maklum bahawa pencerobohan pengganas di Kampung Tanduo, Lahad Datu dan seterusnya merebak ke kawasan Tanjung Labian dan Lanjung Batu telah menyebabkan beberapa langkah diambil untuk memperkukuhkan keselamatan di kawasan ini atau di kawasan Sabah Timur. Pengwujudan Kawasan Keselamatan Khas Sabah Timur atau ESSZONE dan ditadbir oleh ESSCOM yang beribu pejabat di Lahad Datu telah membolehkan usaha dan tumpuan yang lebih khusus diberikan oleh kerajaan dalam mempertingkatkan kawalan keselamatan di Sabah Timur ini. Kerajaan telah menyediakan peruntukan yang besar dalam mengwujudkan ESSCOM khususnya dari aspek keselamatan dan pertahanan. Manakala penambahbaikan dalam aspek sosial juga perlu dijalankan dan langkah pembinaan semula rumah di kawasan ini juga merupakan sebahagian strategi tidak langsung untuk mengukuhkan keselamatan di Tanjung Labian dan Tanjung Batu ini.

YBhg Tan Sri / Datuk –Datuk /  Tuan-Tuan dan Puan-Puan sekelian

5.  Saya ingin mengajak dan menyeru kepada semua penduduk di Zon Labian ini khasnya dan seluruh Sabah Timur khasnya untuk bersama menjadi benteng pertahanan yang kukuh dan jitu untuk menjaga keselamatan dan mempertahankan kedaulatan negara yang kita cintai ini. Semua penduduk boleh dan mesti memainkan peranan yang tersendiri dalam membantu pihak berkuasa memperkukuhkan keselamatan di sini. Kita harus bersedia untuk membantu dan bekerjasama dengan kerajaan dalam menjaga keselamatan termasuklah sentiasa sensitif terhadap gerak laku yang mencurigakan dari orang atau kumpulan yang tidak kita kenali dan berada di kampung kita. Laporan segera kepada pihak berkuasa perlu dibuat untuk membolehkan tindakan cepat diambil untuk membanteras sebarang anasir yang boleh mengancam keselamatan negara kita.

6.  Hari ini, keadaan atau suasana kehidupan penduduk di Tanjung Labian ini telah pulih kembali. Semua penduduk telah dapat meneruskan kehidupan seperti sediakala. Malah dengan penyerahan kunci–kunci rumah yang akan disempurnakan, keadaan kehidupan penduduk di sini pastinya akan menjadi lebih baik. Saya meminta supaya penduduk di sini akan sentiasa bersyukur dengan rahmat ini dan sentiasa mengenang budi dan jasa baik kerajaan yang telah mengubah keadaan kehidupan penduduk di sini.

7.  Saya ingin mengambil kesempatan untuk mengucapkan tahniah dan syabas serta terima kasih kepada Majlis Keselamatan Negara di atas kejayaan menyiapkan projek ini, Walaupun berhadapan dengan pelbagai masalah, akhirnya dengan komitmen serta tanggungjawab yang baik, projek ini telah berjaya disiapkan. Terima kasih juga kepada Kerajaan Negeri Sabah yang telah menyediakan tapak kepada penduduk yang tidak memiliki tanah. Dengan kerjasama yang baik dari kerajaan Negeri Sabah, akhirnya projek ini berjaya disiapkan.

8.   Sekali lagi saya menyeru supaya 45 keluarga yang terlibat akan menerima dan menjaga rumah ini dengan baik dan penuh tanggungjawab. Akhirnya saya berharap agar kehidupan semua penduduk di sini akan sentiasa berada dalam keadaan aman dan selamat dan dengan penyerahan rumah-rumah baru ini, maka kualiti kehidupan rakyat disini ternyata telah ditingkatkan dan ianya adalah lambang kejayaan serta keprihatinan kerajaan terhadap rakyatnya biar di mana jua rakyat berada.


WabillahiTawfik Walhidayah Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Terima Kasih.

Majlis Keselamatan Negara
Jabatan Perdana Menteri
25 Februari 2014



[1] http://www.nst.com.my/latest/victims-of-lahad-datu-intrusion-receive-45-new-homes-1.492810
[2] http://mstar.com.my/berita/cerita.asp?file=/2014/2/25/mstar_berita/20140225142322&sec=mstar_berita
[3] http://www.kosmo.com.my/kosmo/content.asp?y=2014&dt=0225&pub=Kosmo&sec=Terkini&pg=bt_06.htm
[4] http://www.malaysiandigest.com/news/490064-victims-of-lahad-datu-intrusion-receive-45-new-homes.html
[5] http://www.newsabahtimes.com.my/nstweb/fullstory/75676
[6] http://www.bnbbc.my/?p=8592

Thursday, 20 February 2014



“Strengthening and Empowering Youth Movement”

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,
Very good evening and peace be upon you.

[Salutations to be clarified]


1.  It gives me a great pleasure to welcome all of you in this first Bereau Meeting of the ICAPP Youth Wings in Kuala Lumpur.  

2.  The significance of ICAPP are well noticed by several international networks including ASEAN or Association of South East Asian Nations, APEC or Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, and the affiliate governments in the region.

Walk the talk: The young-hearted leadership

Ladies and gentleman,

3.  There was time that I was young by age and striving hard to stand to be seen and to speak to be heard.  In those days, youth are merely seen as recipients and not participants in youth development programs.  Youth development became a task of professionals and not the youth community as a whole.  Youth are being supervise rather than being advise.

4.  With the known limitation within the society, very few can get through to excel while most of my comrades chose to tone down and dilute themselves in those traditional believes of seniority held the absolute priority.

5.    It was during that period that young age’s men and women realize the needs of real shift in thinking and approaches to let youth to excel earlier than before.  We started focusing on outcomes rather than just discussing on issues.  We started to be proactive rather than reactive.  We started to participate with valuable contributions in planning and execution rather than just being the recipients to services and programs.

6.    Looking back at all those days, it reminds me the importance of being young by heart.  While we welcome assistance and helps with open arms, we are well-equipped and always prepared to struggle over challenges and obstacles in achieving the expected outcomes. 

7.    Year after year, we add one to our numerical age; and we said we are all getting older.  But it is not that expression of age that defines us to lead the youth community with dignity and perseverance.  It is the young hearted leadership that pours confidence and self-esteem among the youth.  It is that young hearted leadership that able to walk the talk in the same wavelength among the youth.    

Economic Chasm: Narrowing the world economic inequality

Ladies and gentleman,

8. In the recent report in Lost Angeles Times last January, there was a study that concluded 85 richest people on earth have the same amount of wealth as the bottom half of the population. The study tabled in the annual World Economic Forum reported the richest 1% had 110 trillion dollars in wealth, which is 65 times the total wealth of the bottom half of the world population. Those bottom half of the population owned only about 1.7 trillion dollars, or about 0.7% of the world's wealth. That's the same amount as owned by the 85 richest people in this world. [1]

9. As a youth wing in ICAPP, we need to participate in the global call to reverse this trend. The widened inequality will create vicious circle where wealth and power are increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few.

10. In order to strengthen and empower youth movements, the political and economic chasm needs to be tackled by creating opportunities; not through rivalry environment to triumph one another over the similar pie, but by enlarging and expanding the pie.

11. It is crucial that governments provide sufficient support and guidance, academically and financially, for fresh graduates and vocational experts to inspire and explore new economic opportunities. Proper planning combined with easing up the delivery mechanism will synergize those fresh and educated bloods to participate with positive contributions in overcoming the world economic inequality. The youth, as the heir of this civilized world, should drive and champion the solution of this economic chasm.

12. The Honorary Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak, has expressed the Malaysian government commitment in his speech during Malaysia Youth Day Celebration, that the youth community will be assisted not only to survive but to thrive in this new economy environment.[2]

Unemployment Challenge: Parallelism vs. Anti-Establishment

Ladies and gentleman,

13. (Humor) There is an incident where a man passes-by an accident scene with curiosity. As too many people surrounding the accident victim, he can hardly see the condition of the victim. This man then shouted spontaneously, “Give way everybody! I am the father of the victim!”. As everyone taken a step back to give way to this man to come forward, the man finally reach the victim, which is apparently…… a dog. 

14. Very often our young people are striving hard to get to the front, to be seen and to be heard, without precisely knowing what we want to achieve as the final goal above all the actions.

15. In certain countries, the youth communities have been dragged into anti-establishment movements that are more often than not jeopardizing the progress of the countries. They are fighting on the streets without knowing the outcome of such acts. Governments have been put into crisis; economic circles run in precarious uncertainties and the public lives in fear of inflation and unemployment hiccups. 

16. Unemployment is a tragedy. Individuals find themselves unable to get on in life, their family has to support them financially and motivationally, and the country missing out on a huge amount of untapped talent.

17. We know that our young people are talented with vast majority of them are hardworking and ambitious. So long that these young people have ambition that suited well to their knowledge, expertise and interest, they have great potential. 

18. In seeking employment, our youth must understand that not only the government and private sectors can provide a long-term employment, but the biggest opportunity for these unemployed youth is to kick-off their own businesses; and be the employers instead of employees. 

19. There is huge opportunity to tab in internet technologies and the fast growing cyber communities; where we have 1.83 billion internet users whom searching for product and services at the rate of 2.9 million searches per minute. [3] Business transaction can take place anytime at any corner of the world. And more importantly, young people are the highest digital literacy groups to gain advantage for this business segments.

20. Therefore, it is crucial that our youth out there realize the true challenges ahead of their current affairs. They are always two options: to move against the government or to co-operate in-parallel with the government in planning and executing related policies and agenda.   

Conclusion: Strengthening and Empowering Youth Movement

Ladies and gentleman,

21. In order to strengthen and empower the youth movements, our young people must be a sharpener in their community; rather than being a pencil which is being shaped by the sharpener.

22. Youth must participate in policy making; and not just be the observer that uttering critics.

23. Youth must be given a chance to get their foot on the leadership ladder.

24. Youth must be given a chance to help businesses to grow.

25. Youth must be given a chance to prove what they can do.

Ladies and gentleman,

26. With that, I thank you.

27. Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


[1] http://www.latimes.com/business/money/la-fi-mo-oxfam-world-economic-forum-income-inequality-20140120,0,7080817.story#ixzz2rBFu95Ye

[2] http://www.arkib.gov.my/en/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=a157a3f7-e6b7-4613-8413-2d62c781cb4a&groupId=146926

[3] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ij5yC-moPCM



“Collaborative Emergency Response”

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,
Very good evening and peace be upon you.

[Salutations to be clarified]


1. In the last 4 years, in July 2010, we have charted a new history for ICAPP. We have agreed upon the collaboration among us, the member parties within ICAPP, to launch IMEF or ICAPP Medical Emergency Forum.

2. In the first IMEF steering committee meeting in Langkawi, we have agreed to recommend the term of reference for IMEF consisting:
i. preparation of a list of active and prominent humanitarian organization in this region,
ii. to setup website for IMEF activities,
iii.to organize core group of disaster relief workers, and,
iv.to focus on immediate relief activities and post-disaster relief works whenever emergency occurs.

3. Throughout these years, we have gone through several catastrophes, disasters and misfortune back home; and we have done what we could to provide relief to the affected victims.

Remarkable existence of IMEF

Ladies and gentleman,

4. We might have done enough in assisting those disaster’s victims in our countries; but that does not mean we cannot do better.

5. Every now and then, whenever we face difficult situation, we seek helps and assistance from our friends, neighbors and family members. We ask for support from those that we believe can assist us with their helping hands.

6. For that, the member parties in IMEF have committed themselves to assist one another as friends and neighbors in our large family of IMEF.

7. We need to collaborate in order to do better in emergency response especially in rendering our tenderly cares to disaster’s victims. This collaboration will notably remark the presence and existence of IMEF.

8. It is primarily importance for IMEF to be seen as an active player in providing disaster relief.

9. In the last meeting, we have agreed on the Malaysian government offer to have Kuala Lumpur as the coordination headquarters for IMEF. And it is now time for us to make use of this offer. Let us make IMEF well-known for its outstanding services to disaster’s victims through proper coordination and delivery mechanism. Let us work together for the remarkable existence of IMEF.

Support Activities and Programs 

Ladies and gentleman,

10. We need to communicate beyond formal communication phrase in order to close ranks and build long-term friendship. Continuous communication is the key for effective team-building and network-development. In-time, when the member parties are getting close to each other, deployment of aide and assistance during disaster and crisis will definitely be easier.

11. For Malaysia, we have consistent programs to develop social awareness and community ownership among the young people. Whenever we see potential youth along the way, we build him or her up on the ladders.

12. Being the Vice Chief for UMNO Puteri (or princess) wing, Madam Zaida Zarik Khan, for example, is working on Everest expedition project with her team. She has built-up outstanding team-work and the government recognized her effort as part of the nation building process; and therefore she has been awarded with grants and private sponsorship to continue her works.

13. Dato’ Shafri, the Secretary for Pemuda (or the prince) of UMNO wing, is also organizing numerous humanitarian and outreach programs with his huge team members on the ground. They received assistance from government, private companies and individuals.

14. What I am trying to address here is that we have to support activities and programs that meant for betterment of the community. Disaster relief and post-disaster works is one area that needs supports from larger groups that needs to be built-up phase by phase.

15. The support from this group is not only a plain and empty support as individuals, but to add the value of the present relief team capabilities. It does not matter if the disaster area had received aide from other entities, but disaster relief is a call for teamwork among the member parties to give better than the best in disaster relief deployment. In short, in any medical emergency area, 2 doctors is always better than 1. And definitely, it is always better to welcome the third doctor.

16. Therefore, whenever we have natural disasters on our land, do let people know; and let our friends and neighbors know; so that we will be able to take care one another and to assist each other.

17. I would like to urge the member parties of IMEF to have effective and continuous communication among us so that this body will be able to render disaster relief through friendship and professional ties.

Ladies and gentleman,

18. With that, I thank you.

19. Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.